Sunday, November 23, 2008

Events for the Holidays

About every holiday event the Texas city has to offer. But if you've only got a weekend to spare, plan your visit around these events:

Nov. 24: Holiday River Parade and Lighting Ceremony. The Paseo del Rio Holiday Festival begins with the flip of a switch to turn on 122,000 lights that will illuminate the River Walk until New Year's Day. A one-hour lighted boat parade's theme is "A Traditional Christmas." Free viewing along the River Walk. Reserved seating $10-$20. 7 p.m. 210-227-4262,

San Antonio Convention & Visitors Bureau
This year's Blessing of the Animals at Market Square will be Dec. 9.

Nov. 24-26: Feria de Santa Cecilia. Festivities at historic Market Square including lively mariachi music and the lighting of the square start the market's holiday celebrations. Free. 210-207-8600;

Nov. 25-Dec. 17: Holiday Boat Caroling. More than 185 school, church, company and civic choral groups sing traditional carols on cruising boats. Diners at River Walk restaurant patios and passers-by often join in with impromptu singalongs. The eclectic mix also includes bell choirs, folk groups and Latino ensembles. 6:30-9:45 p.m. 210-227-4262,

Dec. 1-3: Hecho a Mano/Made by Hand. The 20th annual fine arts and fine crafts market is sponsored by the Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center at two locations, a festival marketplace, Plaza del Arte, in the enclosed parking area adjacent to the Galeria Guadalupe, 723 S. Brazos St., and at Guadalupe Theater, 1301 Guadalupe St. 210-271-3151,

Dec. 1-17: Fiesta de las Luminarias. More than 2,500 candles in paper bags glow along the River Walk. Fridays-Sundays.

Dec. 2: 12th Annual Mariachi Vargas Extravaganza. The concert featuring Mariachi Vargas de Tecalitlán caps an eight-day music fest that includes group and vocal competitions and workshops. 7:30 p.m. Municipal Auditorium. Tickets, $20-$100;
210-224-9600 or Information:

Dec. 2: Kristkindlmarkt. Beethoven Halle and Garten in the King William District is home to the 15th annual traditional German Christmas market featuring hand-crafted gifts, clothing, decorations, gingerbread houses, pottery and more. Also, music, entertainment, foods and drinks of the season. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Free admission. 210-930-6374,

Dec. 2-22: "It's a Wonderful Life: the Radio Play." The production at Steven Stoli Playhouse takes the audience back to 1947 and the Lux Radio Show. Film director Cecil B. DeMille was host as James Stewart and Donna Reed reprised their classic movie roles. This production re-creates that studio with the actors, sound effects and commercials. 8 p.m. Fridays, 7:30 p.m. Saturdays and 2:30 p.m. Sundays. 210-408-0116, (click on Shows at the Playhouse).

Dec. 3: Holiday Texas. This inaugural event at the University of Texas at San Antonio's Institute of Texan Cultures features performances by the ITC players and strolling carolers. Families can make holiday ornaments, sip hot chocolate and nibble on holiday treats. In HemisFair Park beneath the Tower of the Americas. $7; $4 ages 3-12 and age 65 and above. 210-458-2330,

Dec. 8-10: Holiday Arts & Crafts Show. Local and regional artists, craftspeople and jewelers sell from booths that line both sides of the River Walk Expansion near the Chamber of Commerce. 10 a.m.-11 p.m. 210-227-4262,

Dec. 8-9: "Messiah." The San Antonio Symphony and Mastersingers and four solo vocalists, under the direction of guest conductor Robert Porco, present the Handel oratorio. 8 p.m. Majestic Theatre. $11.50-$57.50. 210-226-5700,

Dec. 9: Bazar Sábado. A warehouse across from the San Antonio Museum of Art is filled with colorful folk art from Mexico, Guatemala and other Latin American countries. Doors open at 10 a.m., but the line starts forming hours before; 4 p.m. close. $3 (includes museum admission). 210-978-8100,

Dec. 9: The Blessing of the Animals. The annual blessing by a local priest is at Market Square. Early afternoon. 210-207-8601,

Dec. 10: Die deutsche Weihnachtsfeier. The 102nd German Christmas candlelight service is conducted in German. The Christmas story is told through Scripture, prayers, German Christmas poetry, congregational and choral singing and instrumental music. 5:30 p.m. Margaret B. Parker Chapel, Trinity University. Free. 210-999-7311,

Dec. 15-17: "The Nutcracker." Ballet San Antonio presents the Christmas classic at the Lily Cockrell Theatre on the east bank of the River Walk at the Convention Center. 210-207-8500.

Dec. 17: La Gran Posada. San Fernando Cathedral, founded in 1731 by 15 families from the Canary Islands at the invitation of King Philip V of Spain, is host of the re-enactment of the biblical account of Mary and Joseph's search for lodging in Bethehem on the eve of Jesus's birth. The procession begins at Milam Park and ends at the cathedral on the city's Main Plaza. 210-227-1297,

Dec. 23: "Bah Humbug." The Company Theatre's fourth annual statewide holiday tour of Damian Gillen's one-man adaptation of Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" concludes at the Arneson River Theatre in La Villita. The outdoor theater features a stage on one side of the river with the audience on the other. Tickets $8-$12, available online at 1-877-278-4842,

Dec. 31: A Night in Old Vienna. The San Antonio Symphony plays waltzes and polkas that bring turn-of-the-century Vienna to life. 8 p.m. 210-226-5700,

Dec. 31: Celebrate San Antonio. Welcome the new year with fireworks, live music on multiple stages, food booths and family activities on South Alamo Street between Durango and Market streets and in La Villita. Free. 210-212-8423,

— Paula Crouch Thrasher